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Infrared Lab Dyeing System
Infrared Lab Dyeing System is Suitable for all fibers and substrates dyeing. The infrared dyeing system produces accurate laboratory sample dyeings with level and reproducible results and accommodates up to 24 positions with a low liquor ratio for synthetic and natural fibers. This infrared dyeing system moves the beakers in a circular rotation with advanced infrared heating technology eliminating glycol contamination and cumbersome beaker cleaning.
Three-dimensional turning,clockwise and anti-clockwise running makes level dyeing results.
Beakers are made of quality SUS316 stainless steel,heating fast and level,specially pressure-tested beakers offer maximum safety for atmospheric and high-temperature dyeing.
Infrared heating continuously (non-off-type) by hign life infrared heaters which 360-degree ring-shape, direct heating of steel cup, to let dyeing equably and saving 50% elctricity.
Programmable computer system controlls process , can save up to 99 kind of process, LCD displays temperature, time, process No. and temperature curve, imported high-precision PT-100 temperature probe monitoring the actual temperature of dyeing liquor directly, to let heating and cooling automaticlly.
Chemical adding system,specially designed chemadd lid (dyepot cap) and chemadd pot (for chemical powder or solution additions) to add chemical without opening dyepot ensures temperature stability during the dyeing